On Your Mark, Get Set, … Go Interview!

So you made it through the pre-screens and phone interviews, and got the call. The one that says show up at this place and this time for the big interview for the job you’ve always wanted. So on “Interview Day,” you are pumped and ready to hit the starting line and get the interview underway. But where exactly

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75+ Common interview questions and answers

Your resume can get you into the company for an interview but it is up to you to be able to sell yourself as the perfect match for the job.  One thing that can help you to land the job, besides being qualified skill wise, is to practice answering common interview questions.  Expecting common interview

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Job Interview Dos And Dont’s

One thing that you will want to do is prepare for your interview. There are too many individuals who mistakenly believe that all interviews are the same. Many interviews are similar in nature, but they are not all the same. In all honesty, it depends on the job that you are being interviewed for and

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Ageism at the Interview

For many job seekers, the interview is the most difficult part of the job search process because of its impact on the hiring decision. An interview is similar to a sales meeting, only you’re forced into an unfamiliar marketing position where you’re both the salesperson and product. You usually have less than half an hour

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The Most Annoying, Overused Words in the Workplace

“Could you interface with that team on its ad campaign that’s gone viral, and then circle back with me? If we can leverage similar assets, we’ll have a game changer.” Ever heard talk like that in your workplace? If it sounds familiar, it could be the buzzwords. “Leverage,” “interface,” and “circle back” are among the

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4 Bullying Bosses to Avoid

Does your boss sneer, scream, or intimidate? If so, you could be working for a career-damaging bully. “When the bullying comes from the boss, the aggression has its strongest negative effects,” says Sandy Hershcovis, a researcher at the University of Manitoba who reviewed 110 studies on workplace aggression.

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How to Succeed on the Job

Congratulations, you have landed the job of your dreams!  After all the hand-wringing, worrying, and pacing by the phone, you got the job.  That’s great! However, you suddenly realize that you will really need to impress the boss on the job. 

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