Should You Work with a Recruiter?

Some people estimate that only 1 percent to 3 percent of all resumes sent will result in actual job interviews. That translates to sending out 50 resumes resulting in no more than two interviews. Many positions are confidential replacements, so you may never hear about them because the company seeking to hire is working with

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Tips on Salvaging A Shaky Interview

Job hunters who feel they made mistakes in interviews often fail to use one of the most effective tools at their disposal: a follow-up phone call. You may think that trying to bolster a shaky performance will only make matters worse, but you may be surprised at the results you get. Here’s what happened to

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A Job Hunter Survives Layoffs on Both Coasts

Job-hunting requires investigating every opportunity, giving Oscar-winning performances and not taking rejection personally. I was laid off twice in 11 months and looking for work, first in Los Angeles and then in New York, was harder than my toughest job. For the record, that was working on the canning line in a salmon cannery for

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