Questions to Expect: Teamwork

The quality search Interviewers, inevitably, seek the ideal candidate. To become this perfect hire, put yourself in the mind of the interviewer. Take a good look at yourself. What does this person look like? How does this person dress, and carry him or herself? Which qualities does this interviewee demonstrate in his or her answers?

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Controlling Jitters Before Your Interview

The prospect of sitting alone in a room with a stranger and talking about yourself can be terrifying. You certainly don’t want the stress to overwhelm you. If an interviewer’s strongest impression of you at the end of the interview is the sweat on your brow, quiver in your voice, and the twitches in your

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Interview Questions: Finance Interview Brainteasers

Perhaps even more so than tough finance questions, brainteasers can unnerve the most icy-veined, well-prepared finance candidate. Even if you know the relationships between inflation, bond prices and interest rates like the back of a dollar bill, all your studying may not help you when your interviewer asks you how many ping pong balls fit

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Acing Guesstimates

The best approach for a guesstimate or brainteaser question is to think of a funnel. You begin by thinking broadly, then slowly drill down towards the answer. Let’s look at this approach in context. Referring to our sample question, you know that you are looking for how many ping-pong balls fit in a 747 airplane.

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How to spot the faker

It’s pointless filling a job that a candidate can’t do and won’t be able to keep. Likewise, an employer will not want to have to dismiss someone they have recently employed, and undergo expensive recruiting again.

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How to Write A Resume and Cover Letter

What is a Resume? A resume is a summary of a person’s business or professional qualifications, educational background and work experience for a particular position. The purpose of a resume is to market capabilities, qualifications and credentials to potential employers.

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