The Most Annoying, Overused Words in the Workplace

“Could you interface with that team on its ad campaign that’s gone viral, and then circle back with me? If we can leverage similar assets, we’ll have a game changer.” Ever heard talk like that in your workplace? If it sounds familiar, it could be the buzzwords. “Leverage,” “interface,” and “circle back” are among the

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4 Bullying Bosses to Avoid

Does your boss sneer, scream, or intimidate? If so, you could be working for a career-damaging bully. “When the bullying comes from the boss, the aggression has its strongest negative effects,” says Sandy Hershcovis, a researcher at the University of Manitoba who reviewed 110 studies on workplace aggression.

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Should You Stay or Should You Go?

The job market has not fully recovered, but there are a few encouraging signs. According to the latest Robert Half Professional Employment Report, a net 6 percent of employers plan to increase hiring activity in the fourth quarter. Further, 86 percent of executives said they are at least somewhat confident in their organizations’ ability to

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How to Succeed on the Job

Congratulations, you have landed the job of your dreams!  After all the hand-wringing, worrying, and pacing by the phone, you got the job.  That’s great! However, you suddenly realize that you will really need to impress the boss on the job. 

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How to Switch Careers in Midlife

Many people fantasize about changing careers, but few actually follow through. It just seems too daunting. These days, though, a lot of people don’t have much choice. Maybe their industry’s days seem numbered, and they figure they better start planning now. Or maybe they already have been hit by a layoff.

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